Bible Adventures

Bible Adventures

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Commission Radio Bible Drama

Adventure is coming your way! Witness Caiaphas’s ambitious climb to High Priest, Nehemiah as he rebuilds Jerusalem, or Mary’s surprise when the angel tells her she will carry the Messiah. See what drove them to make the decisions they made, and how their relationship with God, or lack thereof, influenced their actions.
Program Producer Website

The Bible in Living Sound

Listen to the Bible come alive with Bible in Living Sound! Adapted for radio, these Bible dramas coupled with modern sound effects and thrilling voice-acting will take you out of your seat and into the very Word of God. “But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night” (Psalm 1:2).
Program Producer Website

These programs air in rotation. When one series finishes another will begin.

What’s Up Next

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  • Adventures from the Bookshelf
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